New Beginnings

Full Version: Patch 1 7/22/22
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Empire Day/Remembrance Day 2022 badges/collections and a new painting for each faction.
The ability for Empire Day quests to be reset following the implementation of the next Empire Day (Big thanks to SWG Prophecy)
Removal of no-trade off all Empire Day/Remembrance Day items. 
+New visual appearance for Grand Admiral Declann in the Theed Palace (He now correctly wears his Grand Admiral's uniform and his facial hair/skin tone is in line with other Star Wars sources). 
+New & returning items made purchasable on the respective Empire/Remembrance Day vendors. These include a Darth Vader statue, Leia fountain, and standing variants for the Empire/Remembrance Day Banners. 
+Minor visual changes to Major Brenn Tantor, Captain Piett, Empire Day Vendor, TIE Fighter Pilot, and Princess Leia.
+New Inquisitor appearance option. 
+Two new mobiles, High Inquisitor Halmere and Doman Belruss 
+The ability to purchase badges from previous Empire/Remembrance Days (High Inquisitor Halmere for the Empire and Doman Belruss for the Rebels).